Caring for ourselves during change

Today I've been talking transition. When we're in the thick of it - whether it be a change in work, family, relationship, health - it can feel uprooting, to say the least.

And it’s when everything feels it is moving and changing shape around us, beyond us, that we can fail to see that we too are moving forward, evolving and changing shape with it.

Life is just as much moulding to the new shape of you as you are to it.

Remember, that this is not permanent, that this IS NECESSARY, you ARE growing into a greater, expanded version of yourself every minute because of it AND you have the choice in how you respond and care for yourself during a transitional time.

So what can you do to support yourself?

1) Be kind to your humanness. We are programmed to not like change, whether we know its good for us or not. So when our norms start jiggling around, that's bloody tiring for our nervous system to process. So create more time to rest, like properly rest...have a bath without the podcast on, walk to the shops without your headphones in...find where you can create more headspace as apposed to head filled! We are good to no one (including ourselves) if we're exhausted whilst trying to navigate change, so give yourself and your systems a break. Click here to book in some seriously restorative ME time on my Restorative Workshop next Saturday?

2) Shake, move, breathe.
Move your body, have a stretch, have a dance and take some slower, conscious breaths. By clearing stress and tension, you'll be more in touch with your body's intuitive signals when it comes to decision making. Which tends to be plentiful when times are a-changing. Want more support managing anxiety and stress? Click here for more details on my incredibly empowering Stress & Anxiety Management Online Programme

3) Talk about it. 
Lightening the load, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to share that we are finding something hard. This can loosen our grip on what we can't control. We have the energy and headspace then to come back to what's important, gather the support we need and know what action if any, we need to take next. Most of my clients come to me when they are in the midst of, or stepping into big change. As a Life Coach, I am here to guide you to clarity, personal awareness, to stay motivated and rooted in what is right and true for you. If you'd like to know more about Holistic Life Coaching with me, click here to book your free Clarity Call.

4) Go outside and earth yourself.
When life begins to feel overwhelming, like it is only happening TO you not with you, that's a signal to take five. Go outside and put your bare feet on the earth. Feel breath in your body, breeze on your skin and gravity holding you safe. Meet all that life movement with some stillness. Check out this FREE 5 minute Clearing and Reset this barefoot outside to bring you back to YOU.

5) What do you now know to be true that you didn't before? A great way of seeing your growth amongst it all is to journal on what you now know to be true about yourself, others around you, nature, life... anything that you didn't notice or know before all this change began. How will these insights support you and others in the future? Read more about my journaling and yoga workshop here... 

So on that note, let's make this weekend as nourishing and kind as we can. Give yourself the time, compassion and the space to ride the waves and grow with it. I’d love to hear your experience and thoughts on this below….